Privacy Policy

What information do we gather about you?

Right Admission Plus as an Online Admission Platform that caters to providing quality and reliable services for finding admissions in play schools, schools, colleges, universities, coaching institutes and private tutors for its users. It provides a compiled data of institutions along with it curriculum programs. In addition to providing solutions in admission it shall provide complete information regarding the institution which is required prior to admission , Right Admission Plus also provides institutional vendors requirements such as stationery, books, uniforms, printing and other items required to run the institution. At Right Admission Plus we respect our privacy rights. We have created this privacy policy to explain how we treat the information collected and received from your use of our services ( as defined in our Terms and Condition “TNC”) provided through the website , https://www.Right Admission and application. This Privacy Policy applies only to the services, and we are not responsible for the practices of people, institutions, companies or websites we do not control, manage or employ. Please read this Privacy Policy as well as our TNC carefully, as they govern your use of Admission- Plus. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you can not access our services.

What Information We Collect:

We Collect a variety of information that you provide directly to us. In general, we collect information from you through: ▪ Using any of services including registering for a User Account through the website or application. ▪ Submitting requests or asking us questions via emails or contact us forms. ▪ Signing up for email updates ▪ When requesting for technical assistance and customer support. The basic details which are collected includes: ▪ Name, location, telephone/mobile number and email address. ▪ Log-in credentials, if you register a User Account with us. ▪ Information about your customer service and maintenance interactions with us. ▪ Information you provide to us in connection with any application or tool usage, including, for example, educational and work experience and prerequisite knowledge and other information. ▪ Demographic information, such as your gender, socio-economic status, and other personal details. ▪ Information you provide in connection with career services, for example, salary information and other information. ▪ Information from third parties about you in connection with any referral programs we may offer. ▪ User- generated content you upload or post to public forums through the services. Information needed in order to comply with procedures, laws, and regulations which apply to us where it is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of us. ▪ Any other information you choose to directly provide to us in connection with your use of the services.

Information We Collect Through Automated Means:

Analytics Information When you avail our services, we along with our service providers(third party companies working on our behalf)may use cookies, and similar technologies to track, collect and clump certain information including, among other things, which pages of our website were visited, when they were visited, in which order were they visited, which hyperlinks were used, the URLs from which you linked to our website. Accumulating such information may include logging the IP address, operating system and browser software used by each user of the website/application. Through such information, we may be able to determine from an IP address a user's Internet Service Provider and the general geographic location (city/state) of his or her point of connectivity. We also may or may not use these technologies like AI to help us determine and identify repeated visitors, the type of content and sites to which a user of our website links, the length of time each user spends at any particular area of our website, and the specific functionalities that users choose to use. We use third party web analytic services (such as those of Google Analytics) on our website to collect and analyze usage information through cookies and similar tools; engage in auditing, research, or reporting; assist with fraud prevention; and provide certain features to you.

Online Advertising and Analytics Platform.

We may allow third party companies, including advertising companies (such as Facebook, Quora, Twitter, Google and Bing), to place cookies on our website. These cookies will enable such companies to track your activity across various sites where they display advertisements and record your activities so that they can show you ads relevant to you as you browse through the internet. These Cookies store information about the content you are browsing together with an identifier linked to your device or IP address.

How we use the Information we Collect:

We use your information for various purposes depending on the types of information we have collected from and about you and the specific you use in order to: ▪ Send you information in connection with the product and services. ▪ To respond to your communications and requests. ▪ Customize the content we provide through our Product or Services. ▪ Provide services to you, such as services that you request in concurrence with the Online Tools and Product. ▪ Engage in analysis research, research and reports regarding use of the Product and Services. ▪ Contact you by email, or phone( via SMS and messages) regarding Right Admission Plus products, surveys, promotions, services, research studies, special events and other subjects that we think may be of interest to you. ▪ Help us better understand your needs and interests and improve our products and services. ▪ The necessary information of the user is also verified/ authenticated whenever the same user seeks to log into the website/application and it’s services through registered accounts. ▪ When or if the registration is done through social platforms ( Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) information is automatically accessed through their Application Programming Interface. ▪ Establish, exercise or defend our legal rights where it is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others.

Access to your Personal Information.

Right Admission Plus will provide you with the means to ensure that your personal information is correct and updated. If you have filled out a user profile, we will provide an obvious way for you to access and change your profile from our Website/Application. At Right Admission Plus we adopt stringent security measures to protect your password from being exposed or disclosed to anyone. Only upon you forgetting the password for the Website/Application, we will have the right to rest the same to you with your prior approval as per standard web practices.

Third Party Links and Features .

Right Admission Plus may share information from the aggregated data of the users with our subsidiaries and associates. And in turn, they can market or reach out to the same users with related or extended information based on the user's search history and interests. These associates can include preschools, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions along with tutors that collaborate with Right Admission Plus in managing its Website/Application and those that provide relevant or identifiable information from their end. It can also include vendors that have specific options catering to the user's needs or requirements. In other words information is responsibly circulated in such a network of affiliated with the intent to eventually serve and give the user a better personalized experience. When the need arises, we can also share information or respond to a subpoena to law enforcement agencies or regulators in case of any investigative demands. Or in cases where we feel the need to disclose information with regard to investigate illegal activity, fraud or any other criminal related issue, information is shared. We can readily provide information with Gateway service or anti-fraud agencies if we infer that any particular transaction(s) of the concerned user are suspicious in nature. Again, all these are done to defend and protect the company, its users, employees and any other associates. In situations where there is reorganization in the set-up of the company, or when there is a merger asset sale, or any kind of acquisition, the company can allow access or transact information to enhance the same processes of organizational restructuring. Also, information can be shared to third parties if they are involved in the transactions, in the buying and selling of assets. It needs to be also noted that AdmissionPlus, in the process of sharing and gathering information, is not responsible for or accountable to the privacy policy of other companies, websites or apps. We urge you to read the privacy and security policies of these third-parties.

How we Protect Your Information.

Right Admission Plus ensures that the user's personal information does not get exposed to any kind of unauthorized party. We use security features to collect the information you provide to us via our Website/Application in a secure manner, this includes electronic, physical as well as procedural steps. However, if you send us an email, that type of transmission of information is not secure, and is traveling through the Internet unprotected and can be intercepted. It is very important for us to secure your personal information. When you enter sensitive information on our profile forms or registration, we encrypt that information using Secure Socket Layer technology (SSL). We restrict access to this information to employees with a need to know this information to provide you with the service, benefit or assistance which you request or would like to obtain and to those employees who require this information in order to complete their jobs.

Payments and Transactions.

For all kinds of online payments and card transactions, we use safe and secure servers to ensure that your credit card information and other related details are protected. It needs to be , however, noted that at times cookies or related devices from third parties or other sources can surface when the user is on our website. Such third party cookies are not controlled by us. For transactions and payments, we collect some additional information like credit or debit card number, card expiration date, and billing address as is usually done in all online and card transactions. It is also to be noted that all the outgoing and incoming payments are managed by Right Admission Technologies

Access to Microphone, Camera and Location.

By allowing us to access microphone and camera the user will be able to make video calls with the tutors while availing their help. Access to location helps us to provide the user’s with the relevant information of pre-schools, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutes situated in the same and nearby localities.


Right Admission Plus may notify you via email or phone (call/SMS)to inform you about new services available and other information which it perceives might be useful for you.

Communications Opting Out.

We provide our users with the opportunity to update their information on to opt out of having their contact information used for purposes not directly related to servicing of your account. You may unsubsidized from our commercial or marketing email communications at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions present at the bottom of such emails.

Retention of Your Information .

We keep your information for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The length of time for which we retain information depends on the purposes for which we collected and use it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws.


In the process of using our website, we may use cookies to enhance our services and personalize the user's experience. Through these cookies Right Admission Plus gather relevant information about the user's online activities. We collect and use this information to provide the user with more information in accordance with their interests. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent.

Disclaimer: Some of Right Admission Plus service and features may not function properly if cookies are disabled.

Changes to our Privacy Policy.

Please note that we review our privacy policy from time to time, hence, it is subjected to change. Any update, change or modification will be effective immediately after being on the Website/Application. If we make a material change to the policy, you will be provided with appropriate notice in accordance with legal requirements. By continuing to use the services, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to the latest version of this Privacy Policy. We suggest you to periodically check this page to ensure familiarity with the updated version of this Privacy Policy. For more information about this Privacy Policy and/or to raise any grievances you may contact:

Contact Details:

Company Name:

Right Admission Technologies

1-2-66 to 193 , # 311, 3rd Floor, Bhuvana Towers , Sarojini Devi Road , Secunderabad 500003, Telangana , India

Email ID:

Call Us:

+91 9019300600, +91 9177866249 & +91 9177866248
