Terms & Conditions

Right Admission Plus provides all services and products. These Terms & Conditions governs your use of Right Admission Plus's Website/Application along with other services. As some of our services maybe software that is downloaded to your phone, tablet, computer or any other device, you agree that we may automatically update this software, and that these Terms & Conditions will apply to such updates. By availing our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions and the policies mentioned in these Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms & Conditions, please refrain yourself from using our services.

About Right Admission Plus.

We are a connecting bridge between Patents/Students and Educational Platforms such as pre-schools, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutes. We make the process of admissions easy.

We are a product of Right Admission Technologies incorporated in Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Our office is located at 1-2-66 to 193, # 311 3rd Floor, Bhuvana Towers, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad 500003, Telangana, India, We provide information on all the educational platforms associated with us and help the Parents and Students with admissions by helping and guiding them throughout the process. You can contact us by email- …………… or by writing a letter to the above address.

Changes to the Terms & Conditions.

We reserve the right at all times to change, vary, alter, amend, add or remove any of these Terms & Conditions. Please see to it that you assess this page each time you visit the Website/Application as you will be considered to have accepted a variation if you continue to use the Website/Application after the variation has been posted. The current draft of these Terms & Conditions was adopted and published on 19th January 2020.

Using Right Admission Plus.

Who may use our Services.

You may use our services only if you can form a binding contract with Right Admission Plus, and only in compliance with these Terms & Conditions and all other applicable laws. When you create your Right Admission Plus account and subsequently when you use certain features, you need to us with accurate and complete information, and you agree to update your information to keep it accurate and complete The Terms & Conditions along with Privacy Policy are amended by us to govern your use of our platform. The Terms & Conditions are also applicable to the comments and star ratings you leave explaining your experience as a student or parent, and any information you specify on our platform. We may, at our sole discretion revise or modify these Terms & Conditions along with the Privacy Policy at any given time. You must check from time to time and ensure us that you are satisfied with the modifications. Your continued use of this platform means that you agree to the revised Terms & Conditions.

The policy outlines the following:

  • ▪ Registration and Password.
  • ▪ Your use of our platform.
  • ▪ Your representation.
  • ▪ Warranties.
  • ▪ Content Posted.
  • ▪ Our Rights.
  • ▪ Intellectual Property Rights.
  • ▪ Mobile Services.
  • ▪ Governing Law and Jurisdiction.
  • ▪ Limitation of liability.
  • ▪ Territory Statement.
  • ▪ Cookies.
  • ▪ Feedback.

1) Registration and Password.

Although parts of our platform may be visited by any visitor, you will need to register as a member if you wish to use any of locked features, which include school information, creating a user profile, shortlisting schools etc. Registration on our platform is free. When you register to use our platform, you will be asked to create a username and password. You will agree not to disclose your password to any other person. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, and will be entirely responsible for all liabilities arising in connection with use or misuse of your password: regardless of whether such use or misuse is with or without your knowledge or approval. If you suspect that your password is being used by someone else then you must notify us immediately. If you forget your password, we have an option to reset your forgotten password, if that does not work please send us an email. We have the absolute discretion to cancel your username/password any time if we suspect it is being used by an unauthorized person.

2) Your Use of Our Platform.

All information, documents, images, texts, software, services and other similar materials contained in this platform are provide by Right Admission Plus or its third party manufacturers, authors, developers and vendors and are copyrighted work of Right Admission Plus and/or the third party providers. Except as stated herein, none, none of the materials maybe distributed, republished, displayed, transmitted, reproduced, copied, downloaded or posted in any form or by means including, but not limited to mechanical, recording, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the written permission from AdmissionPlus. No part of the platform including graphics, logos, sounds or images, may be reproduced or retransmitted in any way or by any means, without the prior express written permission of AdmissionPlus. You may not, without Right Admission Plus prior express written permission mirror any materials on this platform. For the purpose of these Terms & Conditions, “content” refers to all texts, data, artwork, logos, documents, software, photographs, images and/or other materials you may upload or download form our platforms, including information about yourself, and comments and star ratings about your experiences as a student or about your study interests (short-listed) etc., You must ensure that any content that you submit to our platform:

▪ Does not infringe any applicable law. ▪ Does not disrupt the online community on our platforms. ▪ Does not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights (it refers to registered and/or unregistered copyright, database rights, trade marks, design rights and other intellectual and proprietary rights of whatever nature, and all applications for such rights, anywhere in the world). ▪ Is not defamatory, harassing, profane, threatening, sexually or racially offensive or discriminating, false, pornographic, obscene, unreliable or misleading or otherwise objectionable in our opinion. You agree that you will not use our platform for: ▪ Your commercial purposes or to obtain financial gain without our prior written consent. ▪ To send chain letters, junk mail, ‘spam’, business or bulk communications of any kind. ▪ To advertise a company, product or series of any educational or non educational establishment except under the terms of a Memorandum or understanding that we have entered into with you. ▪ To obtain passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users. ▪ In a way that might reasonably cause another person's computer systems and/or communications network to be damaged, interrupted or rendered less efficient. ▪ To harass, intimidate or threaten any user. o To attempt to impersonate another user. You will be responsible for logging out from your registered account at the end of each session on our platform. If you are a visitor, you agree not to obtain unauthorized access to areas our platform reserved for members. If you are aware of anything on our platform which appears to infringe these Terms & Conditions, you agree to contact us immediately.

3) Your Representation:

You represent that you are not a minor (less than 13 years of age) and that not under any legal or other disability which prevents your ability to abide these Terms & Conditions. You further represent that you won’t resale any of our products without our prior written consent.

4) Warranties:

We expressly disclaim all warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Right Admission Plus expressly disclaims Warranties of any kind, any material, links, information or content presented on its platform, to any external website linked, and to ant external material, links, information or content linked thereto. AdmissionPlus has no control over any external material, website, information, links and content linked to these platforms. Certain jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion of implied Warranties and the foregoing exclusions of implied Warranties may not apply to you. There are no guarantees and no warranties of online availability, impressions and click-thoughts. The entire risk as to the performance of, or non performance of, or to the access of, or lack of access, or arising out of the use of our platform, information, links, products or content presented on the platform to any external website linked thereto, or to any external information, material, links or content linked thereto, is borne by the user, customer, visitor or other person. We explicitly disclaim, and will not accept any responsibility for any of the following in respect of the sites/platforms we link to: ▪ Damage caused by downloaded software. ▪ The quality or truth of any material, or advice that is offered. ▪ Libelous or illegal material. ▪ Infection by computer viruses. ▪ Technical problems, failures and speed of operation.


Your use and participation in our platform and services are solely at your own risk. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from our platform shall create any warranty not expressly made in these Terms or imposed by law. You understand and agree that we do not guarantee the accuracy, relevancy or completeness of any information provided on our platform. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Our platform us provided for general information of general public.

5) Content Posted:

None of the views expressed in the user content or product section are the views of the AdmissionPlus team, unless otherwise taken credit for we are just providing a platform. You acknowledge that all content is the responsibility of the person who posted, emailed or otherwise provided the content to our platform. You acknowledge that by using the service, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. We are not responsible in any way for any user-managed content and if you post, email, upload or otherwise provide content, you are entirely responsible for it. However, we operate a “take down and notice” procedure. If you believe that any content is defamatory, profane, sexually or racially offensive or discriminating, threatening, false, obscene, harassing, pornographic, unreliable, false or misleading or otherwise objectionable, or infringes intellectual property or other legal rights we request you to notify us immediately. The notified matter shall be investigated by us and will be dealt with discretion. If you post content which is found ti be in breach of these Terms, we reserve the right to deactivate your username and password to prevent you from further access to our platform. Our platform is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for how any search engine ( Google, Bing,… etc;) catches or displays the comments posted by you. Please note that you are solely responsible for posting these comments and it is a privilege being granted to our registered users which can be withdrawn in case of abuse.

6) Our Rights:

We have the right in our absolute discretion to alter, edit, remove, refuse or suspend any content without notice, if we consider that the content you posted is objectionable or violets these Terms & Conditions or for any other reason. We may preserve or disclose the content and your personal details as well as any content to any third party if needed. ▪ For the purpose of maintaining our platforms; ▪ By law; ▪ To respond to claims that our platform infringes or restricts the rights of any party. We may suspend or terminate your access to our platform at any time if you breach any of these Terms & Conditions.

7) Intellectual Property Rights:

You agree that our platform and content contained in it are protected by “Intellectual Property Rights” that either belong to us. You acquire no proprietary interest in our platforms or content provided by us and may not use them in any way except expressly permitted by these Terms & Conditions. You may view, download, print or temporarily store such content for your personal, noncommercial reference without addition, alteration or deletion. You may not otherwise copy, retransmit, reproduce, publish, distribute or commercially exploit or transfer our content. You acknowledge that you will not acquire any Intellectual property rights by downloading or using any such content. By submitting content to our platform: You grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty- free non- exclusive right the license to use, modify, translate, reproduce, adapt, publish, create derivative work from, distribute and communicate to the public such content and you authorize us to adapt such content and you agree to relinquish your moral rights to object to any deprecatory treatment, or to be identified as the author of the material in any question.

8) Mobile Services:

▪ Decision of Right Admission Plus regarding all transactions under this service shall be final and binding and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. ▪ The subscriber availing these services shall be deemed to have consented to be bound by all applicable Terms & Conditions of these services. ▪ The subscriber understands that he/she can avail SMS services at his/her discretion and the said service shall be availed in such options as are made available by Right Admission Plus from time to time. ▪ Your mobile phone number will/shall be used during transmission of text messages through the mobile service provider’s server for SMS service. ▪ The SMS or its contents once sent for availing the SMS services shall be treated as final and the same cannot be withdrawn, retrieved or changed subsequently under any circumstances. ▪ The services are subjected to directions/guidelines issued by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India or any other statutory as applicable from time to time. ▪ WAP services enable you to access our services and to receive/accept content through your wireless devices. Your access to our WAP services may be dependent on the wireless device you use to access the applicable WAP services. ▪ Right Admission Plus reserves the rights to delete/modify the account contents as its own discretion without prior notice if the contents of the profile are deemed unfit for unfit. ▪ Right Admission Plus shall not be liable for any costs, damage or loss (whether or indirect), or for loss of revenue, loss of profits or any consequential loss whatsoever as a result of the user using our services. ▪ The user specifically note and agree that the content and services or part thereof may be varied, withdrawn, added, suspended or withheld by Right Admission Plus at its sole. ▪ No reversal of deducted charges shall be allowed under any circumstances. ▪ The shall remain solely responsible for all content, information, data originated from the users and transmitted via the Service (content),and the users shall accordingly indemnify Right Admission Plus and/or the Operator, against all third party claims relating to the users content or due to the users act/negligence or omission. ▪ You are bound by the terms and conditions as mentioned herein and as stated on the site. ▪ Message delivery is conditional to Mobile operator’s technical infrastructure and its network uptime. ▪ By using various SMS based services from Right Admission Plus you agree to receive phone calls,messages etc. from Right Admission Plus and/or its associates tailored to provide with better education related opportunities. ▪ Subscribing or using various paid/free services of Right Admission Plus on SMS/Voice/WAP either directly or indirectly doesn’t in any manner guarantee the user an admissions. ▪ The subscriber shall be required to comply with all directions/instructions etc. issued by the Company relating to the network, the services and any/all matters connected there with and provide the Company all other and further information and co-operation as the Company may require from time to time.

Payment Policy:

We as a merchant shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the decline of authorization for any transaction, on account of the cardholder having exceeded the preset limit mutually agreed by us with our acquiring bank from time to time.

Refund is applicable for the following cases only:

We don’t represent or warrant that: ▪ When a customer initiates a charge back (CB) through the card issuing bank and No Paper Forms is not able to furnish adequate details on the services provided. ▪ When a customer initiates an inquiry about multiple/extra payments.

Links to other websites/information:

Right Admission Plus will gather information relevant to you including data, logos, details and noncopyrighted images from schools and other publically available information on a best effort basis to you. Institutions’ continue to own copyright on the information. Right Admission Plus only collects the information and presents it as a service to the institution. Institutes have the right to request the removal of copyrighted information which Right Admission Plus will comply with in a fortnight after verification. Right Admission Plus provides to links to website and other resources provided by third parties, and aims to link to websites that we feel will enhance your experience by offering useful background information, specialist advice and information, and informed commentary and views. The link is shared with only those websites which we hope will enhance your experience of using the website/application; please notify us if they don’t. When linking to third party we use an icon ………… to make it clear you are leaving our website (see if this is how we identify external site change accordingly). The existence of links from the website to external websites does not mean that we endorse or promote those websites, the views of their developers, products or services provided by them. We have no control over content posted by those external websites or other third party resources, and accept no responsibility and exclude all liability that may arise with respect to them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If content is sponsored, part of Right Admission Plus Student Discounts, or if it is included within the context of an advert, we make this clear. We normally link to content which is free to access, but you may sometimes be asked to register or subscribe to an offer or service once you leave the website/application, by the Operator of a linked website. We fix or remove missing, redirected or broken links whenever we are aware of them. If you spot anything which isn’t working in the way you would expect it to, please let us know.

9) Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

Right Admission Plus controls and operates this website/ application from its Headquarters in Secunderabad and makes no representation that the materials on the Website/Application are appropriate and/or available for use in other locations. If you are using this website/application from other location, you are accountable for compliance with applicable local laws including but not limited to the export and import regulations of other countries. Any disputes arising form here shall be subjected exclusively to the Jurisdiction of the courts of law at Telangana, India. If these Terms & Conditions are not accepted and followed entirely then the access and use of this platform shall be discontinued immediately.

10) Limitation of liability:

Except as required by law, we will not be liable for any direct losses or damages arising in contract, tort (including negligence) and for any reason. Except as required by law, we shall not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental losses or damages or loss of profits, goodwill, revenue or data. We shall also not be liable in each case regardless of whether such losses or damages arise in the normal course of events or whether we have been advised of the possibility of such damages and whether such losses or damages arise in contact or tort (including negligence) and for any reason. Our platforms bear no responsibility for any accident, loss or injury of life of any individual or group of people resulting from accessing the information hosted on its network of websites.

11) Territory Statement:

Please do not access or use the content from a Jurisdiction where such access or use would be contrary to applicable laws, rules or regulations of any governmental authority or regulatory organization. If you breach this provision, you will be held entirely responsible.

12) Cookies:

When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example, mobile phone or computer. These includes small files known as cookies. They can’t be used to identify you personally. These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through, for example: ▪ Recognizing that you may already have given a username and password so you don’t have to do it for every web page requested, for example, when enquiring pre-schools, schools, colleges, etc. ▪ Enabling our platform to recognize your device so you don’t have to give the same information repeatedly while doing one task and presenting you with the most relevant courses, scholarships, programs and reviews. ▪ Measuring how many people are using our website/application, to ensure that they are functioning according to the demands and needs. You can manage these small files yourself and learn more about them on the Internet, regarding what they are and how to manage them.

13) Feedback:

We at Right Admission Plus welcome your suggestions, comments, ideas and other form of feedback regarding the services we provide. By submitting any feedback, you grant us the rights to use the Feedback without any compensation or restriction. By accepting your feedback we don’t waive any rights to use similar or related feedback previously known to us, developed by our employees or contractors, or obtained from other sources.