Don Bosco High School
FC3G+G6X, Erragadda, Mothi Nagar DON BOSCO HIGH SCHOOL, Hyderabad, Telangana 500045
CBSE Co-ed
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About Us:

Don Bosco High School Don Bosco School intends to give a complete formation to all the It combines study with training in arts, sports, cultural and social activities leading to the total development of the person. We belive that complete education necessarily includes a religious dimension. Christians are offered a class in Christian doctrine. While non- Christians will study moral Science. Following in the footsteps of the founder of Don Bosco institution, we put into practice the system of education commonly known as “The Preventive System”. This System is based on reason, religion and kindness. The most outstanding feature of this system is the pupil-teacher report, which in turn creates mutual trust, a climate of nature, serenity, creativity and openness to the society in which the student lives. The parents of the students constitute an integral part of the educative community and the others who play a vital role in the education of the student community are the school management, teachers and the students themselves. It is proposed to have regular meeting involving all these vital elements to discuss the problems relating education.



Don Bosco High School

Don Bosco and his work Every age sees the dawn of some charismatic person or other apt to redeem that age from the jaws of decadence. When the youth of Italy were swimming in the mire of immorality, God sent John Bosco , a poor peasant boy from Becchi to be a beacon of hope to the youth and lead them back to the feet of god. Right from his early days, John Bosco had to face untold difficulties and hardships. Having lost his father at the age of two and his family being of limited means, he was forced to learn many a trade to earn his livelihood and t follow up his studies to the priesthood. Thus, having experienced the hardships of poverty and work in his youth, he always had a great sympathy and love for poor and abandoned youth. As s priest, he dedicated his whole life to the service of youth. During his life-time , he established several technical schools and provided education and employment to numerous youth wandering about in the fast industrializing cities of Europe. Today, the Salesians Of Don Bosco, inspired by the same spirit pursue the noble service of Don Bosco towards the youth all over the world. The Salesians of the Hyderabad Province of India in keeping with the mind of their founder, look after the education of many of the youth in this region.








Fr. Gopu Peter Reddy.








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  • Smart classes
  • WIFI
  • CCTV
  • GPS bus tracking system
  • Playground
  • Auditorium
  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Laboratories
  • Elevators
  • Boys hostel
  • Girls hostel
  • School bus
  • Day boarding
  • Meals
  • Medical room
  • AC classes
  • Playground
Extra-curricular activities
  • Art and craft
  • Nature environment activities
  • Dance
  • Debate
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Picnics excursion
  • Annual sports
  • Annual exhibition
  • Annual cultural program
Sports & fitness
  • Yoga
  • Outdoor sports
  • Swimming pool
  • Martial Art
  • Gymnasium
  • Indoor sports

Academic Performance:

ISC 2022


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Right Admission Technologies
1-2-66 to 193 , # 311, 3rd Floor, Bhuvana Towers , Sarojini Devi Road , Secunderabad 500003, Telangana , India

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+91 9019300600, +91 9177866249 & +91 9177866248